
While playing a game with female teams, the corporal behavior of the players shows, that they are not engaged in the game: They are leaning back on the sofa and criticize their respective team. Since the beginning, some sexist attacks appeared : 00:08:03 « cours grognasse ».
A supporting internet research shows a similar problem for all the FIFA customers: The female teams do not have enough skills, to attach players’ interest: They are too slow and not powerful enough in kicking. Only in the end of the game, when the players understand, that they might lose the game, they lean forward to make the game a real competition.

Proximity gamer/ playable characters

While playing, the players develop a certain proximity to the played characters. It can be observed, that they say their names.This behavior is comparable to a player of card games, who announce, before they show their cards.
Besides this proximity appears as an immersion with the game, by expressing the name of a player, the player shows sympathy to him and projects himself into the game. He physically lives the game as a WII-game.


"Changing the playing mode from assisted mode to manual mode, more physical reactions can be observed. In the manual mode, playing gets more difficult but in the same time, more realistic. According to Hubert L. Dreyfus “l’implication est l’équipement idéal par lequel il (le débutant) pourra aller plus loin. Alors, les expériences émotionnelles positives [...] sont renforcées par les réponses couronnées de succès et d’inhiber celles qui ne le sont pas.” Due to his involvement in the game, the user will improve his gaming skills and thus, his emotional reactions will be enforced1.
This constraint process increase the reactions of the players. It seems that their enjoyement or deception are accentuated while they play in this mode. They feel more concerned and they are trying to be really precise in their gaming experience. Under the manual mode-circumstances, the player reacts physically on the game and in the same time develops new strategic skills.

Dreyfus, H. L. (2010): Une phénoménologie de l’Acquisition de l’Habilité comme base d’une anti-représentionisme Merlau-Pontien en sciences cognitives, in: Bernard Andrieu (2010) La philosophie du corps, Paris: Vrin, p.136-158.

Grip and touch of controller

Focusing on the hands of multiple players, differences in holding the controller become visible. Some gamers grip the controller more firmly and deal with it easily and push the desired buttons in proper time whereas some gamers cannot maintain the grip, releasing and reposing it on intervals and get distracted from the game.Especially those players who consider themselves as less experienced move the controller while touching it to gain extra control over the game.

[1] Ingold, T. (2013): Making: Anthropology, Archaeology, Art and Architecture, New York: Routledge.